How to compare the trading bot between aijiebot and exchange?
Step by step as followed:
1、Click on the backtest form at the bottom of the trading bot sofware;

2、go to OKX Trading Bot Marketplace:

3、Click the Futures grid,Select the bot showing “Copy”
4、Click the Parameters,Copy the whole page: Select All(Ctrl+A),Copy(Ctrl+C)
5、Back to the trading bot software,Click OKX bots button,select specific bots type.
6、Click Submit button,then the OKX Trading Bot on Marketplace will appear in the backtest list

7、Select the bot added just now【Cell in Clomn A】,Click Back Test,Wait a moment, the result shows:
aijiebots have a excess profit:2.09% compared to OKX Trading Bot on Marketplace.